Carpenter Training of Dane Smith in Germany
On behalf of the Foerderverein Myanmar Mr. Barthel Schmitz visited in
February/March 2014 the PDO already for the 3rd workshop he supervised the manufacture of furniture and of toys for the children of the hostel. (cf. article on our homepage, dated April, 7th Returning to Germany he proposed a training course in Cologne of Dane Smith, the foreman of the carpentry workshop. Barthel Schmitz will organize 3 month training in a carpentry company and he offers free accommodation for Dane in his house during that time.
We would like to give Dane Smith the chance for this training and we are
looking for sponsors and donations for overtaking of travel costs. Up to now we
collected donations of 400 € by presenting our work in Myanmar to interested
people in Mainz and Theley, but we still need further donations to cover the
travel costs in total.
We therefore kindly ask our friends and members for further donations .
Bank Account: Deutsche Bank
BIC: DeutDEB595
IBAN DE48 5907 0070 0055 0665 00
Reference: „Carpenter Training“