We participated in the “Soap for Hope” programme organized by Sundara Foundation in Yangon where we learned about the freezing technology that is used to sanitize, rework and turn the recycled soap into usable soap bars. We also have the necessary freezing equipment ready with us now.
We have done the first our soap opera at PDO on 14th May 2016. U Nayaka, hostel teachers and
children, Golden house teachers and students, NTTC teachers and students and invited guest from Hotel and tourism sectors.We produced about 50 soaps today, the Saundra foundation help some raw recycle soap where they collected at Yangon last month. They also left a soap making machine for us. Most of the children who are residence of PDO’s compound they know very well how to produce it. In every week or time to time they will produce recycle soaps.
U Nayaka is very happy with this soap recycle project which can help to save the cost of PDO’s running cost. We will support those products for school toilets in coming academic year.
The benefit of soap opera : Cost saving, activity of classrooms, creation of their ideas how to pack the soap, participating in group work, health knowledge (hygiene), help for self-help,
In future we will carry on that soap opera with the help of tourism project. We already send the requesting donation letter to different hotels in Mandalay.
That soap opera is helpful to our children for cleaning, and hand washing, personal hygiene
Win Aung, Manager PDO
Some more information about : SOAP WITH A MISSION