This weekend we visited Mingun, this time not by boat, but by car, because we had to transport many things and the operating time between arrival and departure is too short going to and from by boat .
The 4 trips, although we had to rate more than an hour for each ride, was never boring. Our work program : To check the technical equipment of the school and of the kindergarten, solve some problems and discuss the upcoming improvement.
A visit to Kyaung Gyi in the meantime is part of the standard program. There is the well-run Mahasala monastic school. While checking the local solar installations we (Nay Lin Tun and Aung Kyaw Moe from technical service and I ) quickly realized that the batteries are not loaded properly and that their lifespan is drastically shortened due to a false loading procedure. Saturday morning we bought a solar controller and on the second day we rendered quick according our solar recipe book : make a plan, clean the parts, measure the components, install and make function test. After less than two hours the work was done. Here the small photo reportage :
13th of March 2016 Karl Bruch