Modern times: New poster with QR-Code were hung To make the orientation easier for visitors of the PDO or in Mingun, the “Förderverein Help-Myanmar e.V.” attached a...
Union of Myanmar: Presidents Excellent Award for U Nayaka, principal of the Phaung Daw Oo Monastic High-School One day before the ceremony Konrad Krajewski as chairman of the Förderverein Myanmar e.V sent the following telegram of...
Rejoicing at the end of an 8-week IT training course As the official speeches were held, each of the young men (6) and women (2) holding the certificate in...
New board of “Förderverein Myanmar e.V.” elected On 23 November 2012 the Förderverin Myanmar e.V held its annual general meeting. A new board was elected. In...
Myanmar Intern Issue 8/2012 Recently the latest issue of Myanmar Internal 8/2012 has been published. It includes three contributions: First: Foreword by president...
2. regional meeting in Frankfurt-Oberursel on 18 March 2012 Second Regional Meeting in Frankfurt/Oberursel on 18 March 2012 After Berlin the second regional meeting of the “Förderverein Myanmar...
Neuer Mitgliederbrief erschienen: 7. Ausgabe Unser neuer Mitgliederbrief ist da! Hier können Sie sich die siebte Ausgabe (Mai 2011) unseres Rundschreibens herunterlade :Myanmar-Intern Nr.7