The new school furniture is there. After last year’s first year of primary schooling, the second year now follows. The furniture for the classrooms was...
Inauguration of Mingun Primary School by President Dr. Konrad Krajewski Early in January, the president of Foerderverein travelled to Mingun with a group of friends to inaugurate the new...
New elementary school mingun: the first class is already taught Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below...
The new academic year has started ! On 1st of June the new academic year has started in Myanmar. For this reason Förderverein has distributed stationary...
New Primary School Mingun: The didactic concept Construction progress of the New Mingun Primary School on april 21, 2017: the pillars are standing now, the formwork...
New primary school Mingun: After the water festival The the foundation and all of concrete column are already finished. Door and window frames are also finished. Now...
The new School in Mingun: construction goes on Die Fundamente stehen nun. Als nächstes werden die Wände hochgezogen und das Dach wird aufgesetzt. Bereits mit Beginn des...
This is fast: the construction of the new elementary school Mingun Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below...
Week 2: a wedding, a death, a novice ceremony , house cleaning and the new school building Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below...