Globus donated the proceeds of a bake sale for the Förderverein The revenue of an extra bake-ale-event at the Globus department store in St. Wendel (near Saarbrücken ) was donated...
Donation: Ringed T-Shirts for the orphans Our member Mrs. Falkenstein has sent her 20 th parcel to the orphans of the PDO hostel.You can see...
Training material of Lucas-Nülle in use in the Phaung Daw Oo School Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below...
Förderverein takes a share in the rebuilding of the orphanage “Golden House” U Nayaka, the head of the PDO has in recent years acquired three buildings respectively land in the neighborhood,...
The donation of a wooden bridge Vice President Marianne Granz and her husband Roland Forster have donated a new wooden bridge. The bridge over the...
Dankesurkunde an die Globusstiftung überreicht Zur Zeit sind 3 junge Frauen aus der PDOSchool ( Moe Moe, Thantar Moe und NannMyint ) zu Ausbildungszwecken...